There is an active trouble condition on your system. Your system will generate a trouble code that can be used to decipher the actual trouble condition.
- Press the ‘*’ followed by the number ‘2’.
- This will generate a small number in your display window. This number corresponds to the trouble condition on your system. Here is a synopsis of each code and how to resolve:
1) a number ‘1’ light indicates a service required condition. If this number appears – press ‘1’ again and you will receive another number indicating the exact trouble. Here is a list of those trouble codes:
- Low Panel Battery. Your backup battery in the panel box is low and potentially in need of replacement. If you have had a recent power outage, allow 12-24 hours for the battery to recharge. If it does not, it is time to replace the battery. contact Alarm Systems at 706-291-7577 for information on panel battery replacement cost .
- Bell / Horn trouble. This condition will require service – it indicates an issue with the siren/sounder connected to your alarm system. Contact us at 706-291-7577 to schedule an appointment.
- General System Trouble. This condition will require service. Contact us at 706-291-7577 to schedule an appointment.
- General System Tamper. This condition will require service. Contact us at 706-291-7577 to schedule an appointment.
- General System Supervisory. This condition will require service. Contact us at 706-291-7577 to schedule an appointment.
- 5205 Power Supply Module Low Battery. This condition will require service. Contact us at 706-291-7577 to schedule an appointment.
- 5204 Power Supply Module AC Fail. This condition will require service. Contact us at 706-291-7577 to schedule an appointment.
2) AC Failure. This indicates your alarm panel is not receiving electrical power. If there is a power outage in the home, your backup battery will keep the alarm panel operational and the condition should be restored once power is. If you have power in the home, check to ensure the transformer is plugged in securely and that the outlet it is plugged into is receiving power. If all of this checks out, contact us at 706-291-7577 to schedule service.
3) Telephone line trouble. This indicates that the alarm panel is not able to detect the phone line connection. Please ensure that your telephone system is up and operational. If it is not, contact your telephone carrier to resolve. If it is operational, contact us at 706-291-7577 to test your system and schedule service if necessary.
4) Failure to Communicate. This indicates that the alarm panel was not able to forward an event to our Central Station. This is very similar to the previous trouble condition. Ensure your telephone system is up and operational. If it is not, contact your telephone carrier to resolve. If it is operational contact us at 706-291-7577 to test your system and schedule service if necessary.
5) Zone fault. Press the ‘5’ key and you will receive a number corresponding to the affected zone. The indicated zone has a fault that is preventing it from operating properly. Please contact us at 706-291-7577 to schedule service to check the device in question.
6) Zone Tamper. Press the ‘6’ key and you will receive a number corresponding to the affected zone. The indicated zone is detecting a tamper condition. This typically indicates the device is not assembled properly and usually occurs after battery replacement in the contact. Please remove the cover and attempt to reseat it properly. If the tamper condition fails to clear, contact us at 706-291-7577 to further diagnose.
7) Low Zone Battery. Press the ‘7’ key and you will receive a number corresponding to the affected zone. The indicated zone is reading a low battery condition and needs a replacement battery. Replace the battery in the contact and the condition will clear. If changing the battery does not resolve this, please contact us at 706-291-7577 for further troubleshooting.
8) Reset Time & Date. This indicates that your alarm panel has lost its time & date and needs to be reprogrammed. This usually occurs if the system powered all the way down. To set the time and date:
- Press the ‘*’ key followed by the ‘6’ key.
- Enter your 4-digit master code.
- Pres the ‘1’ key.
- Enter the time and date together as described (note: time must be entered in military time) – <military time>, <mmddyy>. For example it is 6:49pm on 10/5/2015. This would be entered as: 1849 100515. 1849 corresponds to military time entry of 6:49pm and the date is entered with the year as two digits.
- Then press the ‘#’ key to set. It may take several minutes for the updated time to reflect on your display.